Exosomes Treatment • Illuminate Skin Clinics

Exosomes Treatment

Exosomes Therapy, West Malling, Kent

Exosome therapy, a type of regenerative medicine, enhances skin elasticity, strength, and overall appearance through the utilisation of minuscule entities called exosomes. Exosomes are naturally occurring nanoparticles that are released by our cells, containing a mixture of lipids, proteins, amino acids, and peptides. Their day-to-day function is to enable powerful cell-to-cell communication. In terms of skin revival, when exosomes penetrate the dermis, they send signals to our fibroblast cells to act optimally, triggering regeneration and stimulating the production of skin-boosting collagen and elastin.

At Illuminate Skin Clinic, we use EXO|E Skin Revitalising Complex, an innovative treatment that utilises biomimetic plant stem cell technology to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin. EXO|E is comprised of thousands of plant secretory factors that are biomimetic, including growth factors, peptides, liposomes, amino acids, proteins, and PDENs (Plant Derived Extracellular Nanoparticles), which are released by the cells and are “envelopes” that carry information from cell to cell.

When combined with treatments such as microneedling and Profound RF, this translates to tighter, lifted, firmer, more youthful-looking skin, an improved skin barrier function, better hydration, pore reduction, and pigment control. During the procedure, your practitioner will use the microneedling device to create tiny micro-injuries in the skin, which allows for the stem cell-derived exosomes to be delivered directly into the skin. It’s also excellent for post-procedure recovery from Profound RF and other more invasive procedures.

Get in touch

If you want to book an appointment, make an enquiry with the Illuminate Skin Clinic team for an initial consultation with a specialist. Alternatively, click the link below to book online.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that results and benefits may vary from patient to patient taking into consideration factors such as age, lifestyle and medical history.

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Treatment Overview

Time required for treatment

30-60 minutes

Time until results seen

You will begin to see results throughout the first 90 days following treatment.

Treatment longevity

The effects usually last for up to 12 months after completion of treatment.

Number of treatments required

Anaesthetic Required


Please contact us for pricing information.


If you have further questions about this treatment, please call us on
0330 1331 272


What happens during my treatment?

During the procedure, your practitioner will apply the exosomes to your skin and use a microneedling device to create tiny micro-injuries in the skin, which allows for the stem cell-derived exosomes to be delivered directly into the skin, and into the deeper skin layers.


When will I see the results?

Exosomes Therapy takes time to show results, and the timing of these depend on your skin quality at the time of treatment, as well as the concerns you’re hoping to address. However, many begin to see results throughout the first 90 days following treatment.


What should I expect after exosome therapy?

You should expect an improvement in skin dryness and overall increase in skin hydration, reduced skin flushing and irritation, a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, improved tissue health at the cellular level, and a significant increase in collagen and elastin production.

What our patients say

See what our patients have to say about their Illuminate experience in these independent reviews.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that results and benefits may vary from patient to patient taking into consideration factors such as age, lifestyle and medical history.
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