Sagging Butt: The Causes, Solutions and Most Effective Treatment Options • Illuminate Skin Clinics
Sagging Butt: The Causes, Solutions and Most Effective Treatment Options

Sagging Butt: The Causes, Solutions and Most Effective Treatment Options

Sagging Buttocks, Non-Surgical Butt Lift Treatment, Maidstone, Kent 

Since the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) burst onto the scene, the conversation around sculpting the perfect bum has never been more prominent. But with concerns about safety intermingling with new methods and techniques, it’s important to be fully informed if you’re interested in toning, lifting, and plumping your buttocks. Read on to delve into the causes, solutions, and most effective treatment options for rejuvenating and firming up the buttocks.

What is bum lifting or shaping? 

Bum shaping or lifting encompasses a variety of strategies aimed at improving the firmness, volume, and overall aesthetic of your buttocks. This can range from lifestyle modifications, such as targeted exercises, to a mix of surgical and non-surgical procedures.

In recent years, conversations around bum enhancements have focused mainly on increasing the size of your behind – but the techniques involved can equally focus on ‘perkiness’ and smoothness of your bum too. Given the unique nature of each individual’s physique, the journey to attaining the desired shape or size of your buttocks is highly personalised. The approach to reshaping and lifting can vary significantly, tailored to the specific changes you aspire to, along with the natural attributes you start with.

What causes a sagging bum?
  1.  1. Ageing: As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and muscle mass decreases, leading to a less firm and saggy appearance, including in the buttock area.
  2. Weight Fluctuations: Significant weight gain or loss can stretch the skin, making it difficult to snap back to its original form, leading to sagging. 
  1. Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged periods of sitting can weaken the gluteal muscles, contributing to a lack of firmness. 
  1. Genetics: Sometimes, the predisposition for a sagging butt is genetic, affecting the shape and distribution of fat as well as muscle tone.
  2. Pregnancy: Although we mainly focus on skin changes around our stomachs during pregnancy, overall changes in weight and hormones during this time can affect your bum too, especially in terms of a more droopy appearance.
How can I lift my bum non-surgically?
Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are traditionally known for their use in the face, but there are brands innovating to bring filler for the body to the market. Lenisna is a leading example. It’s a biostimulatory dermal filler that combines Hyaluronic Acid (HA) with PDLLA polylactic acid. When injected, these work deep within the skin to activate your body’s collagen production, reshaping and volumising your bum for a natural-looking lift. But, as you are still injecting an area that is prone to infection and vascular compromise, it can still have severe consequences in untrained hands. So, you should only ever see a highly-experienced practitioner for treatment.

Venus Legacy

The Venus Legacy treatment utilises multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields to stimulate natural healing and rejuvenation processes in the body. For lifting and contouring the buttocks, this technology targets underlying tissues, promoting collagen production and increasing circulation. These effects help to tighten and smooth the skin, leading to a more lifted and contoured appearance of the buttocks without the need for invasive surgery.

Body Ballancer

The Body Ballancer is a compression therapy system that uses the principles of lymphatic drainage massage to promote various health and aesthetic benefits, including the lifting and firming of the buttocks. It works through a specialized garment that envelops the lower body, applying gentle yet firm pressure in a rhythmic manner. This action mimics the natural lymphatic system’s process, encouraging the removal of excess fluids and toxins from the body tissues. Excess fluid can contribute to a swollen or puffy appearance, so its reduction can lead to a more defined and lifted look.

What lifestyle changes could make a difference? 

Even general exercise, such as walking or jogging, can be beneficial, but if you focus on squats, lunges and glute bridges, these can be a particular help for strengthening and toning the muscles in your bum. That combined with a healthy, balanced diet, staying hydrated and avoiding smoking can also have a positively cumulative effect. You should try to avoid being too sedentary as well, so if your job or lifestyle tends to see you sitting around a lot, try to get up onto your feet as much as possible.

If you’d like to learn more about the options, click here to enquire or to book a consultation with an expert practitioner.


Disclaimer: Please be aware that results and benefits may vary from patient to patient taking into consideration factors such as age, lifestyle and medical history.


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Brands We Use

Jane Iredale
skin tech
Venus Concept
Viviscal Professional
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